Navigation: Transactions > Sales > Sales Transaction > Pay Refund on Credit Note >

Fields in Pay Refund





Fields Explained in Pay Refund


1.Pay From Account:  This is the account where the Refund is from.

2.Customer: This is the Customer user will pay Refund to.

3.Date: The date Refund gets paid.

4.Reference No.  It would be auto assigned as a Pay Refund Ref No.

5.Credit Note Amount: this is an uneditable field which will display the original Credit Note total amount.

6.Amount Paid: This is the amount paid by the user, which will auto-load the previous Credit Note amount by default and it can be modified manually. And Amount paid cannot be larger than the credit note’s total amount. No negative number would be accepted in this field. If the amount user entered is less than the credit note amount, then this credit note will remain open in the Sales Transaction List, with a transaction appeared in Transaction Journal Disbursements TAB for the said amount. Then if the user clicks the credit note again, the said amount will be shown as Amount Paid

7.Memo: The Customer's Name : *** Credit from +Reference NO will auto load by default, it's editable for manual input.

8.Save:  Once the Save button is clicked, the Debit Note will be changed into a closed status if the Received Amount equals to Debit Note amount. If not, it remains as  an open debit note.




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