Employee TFN checking
TFN, Tax File Number is the unique identification used by the ATO to identify each employee during the Single Touch Payroll process.
If a TFN exemption is being sought, valid TFNs to use are as follows.
000000000 – Where the payee has not completed a TFN declaration, the payee has completed a TFN declaration and chooses not to quote a TFN, the payee has indicated that they applied or enquired about a TFN with the ATO and failed to provide a TFN within 28 days.
111111111 - Where the payee has not provided a TFN but they indicate on the TFN declaration that they have applied or enquired about a TFN with the ATO.
333333333 - Where the payee is under the age of eighteen and earns $350 or less weekly, earns $700 or less fortnightly or earns $1517 or less monthly.
444444444 - Where the payee is a recipient of a social security or service pension or benefit (other than Newstart, sickness allowance, special benefits, or partner allowance) an exemption from quoting a TFN may be claimed.
987654321 - Where a payee has quoted a TFN with alpha characters the code 987654321 Must be used in place of the quoted TFN. This code must also be used where the TFN quoted cannot be contained in the TFN field.
For employment termination payments, in the event the payment is due to the death of an employee, show either the TFN of the trustee for the deceased estate or the TFN of the dependant or non-dependant of the deceased employee, whichever is applicable.