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Batch Pay Run







Batch Pay Run,  is designed for users to conduct Pay Run in batches. Users may select one or more employees to run their payroll in one go as long as they are under the same pay period.


Fields explained in Batch Pay Run List





1.Pay Period: User may select different Pay Period to display the Pay Run List, which includes Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly options.

2.Employee: Or user may choose individual employee to view their Pay Run history.

3.Date From & Date To: This is the time range for Search function.

4.Batch Pay Run List Table

a.Pay Period shows the Pay Period group for this Pay Run.

b.Payment Date is the date that payment has made against this Pay Run.

c.Employee Paid is the number of how many employees have been paid in this Pay Run.

d.Gross Wages: Total Gross Wages in this Pay Run.


5.New Batch Pay Run: This is the function of generating a new batch pay run.

6.Actions: two options are available for selection under Actions.

a.Edit Batch Pay Run: if there is no electronic payment made against the Pay Run, then this Pay Run could be edited.

b.Delete Batch Pay Run: if there is no electronic payment made against the Pay Run, then this Pay Run could be deleted.


7.Exit: This would lead back to Dashboard




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