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User Management







Q6 users may set up internal and external users to take advantage of sharing the same file in the cloud.  Before setting up a new user from User Management, User Role needs to be assigned first.


How to Create A New User


1.Go to Settings > Accounts.

2.Click on User Management.

3.Select New User.

4.Select access options by clicking on Full or Denied option.



User Management Fields Explained

Internal User


1.Login Email: This should be the unique identification for each user to log into Q6.

2.First & Last Name is the name of the user logged in.

3.User Role: This has been pre-set in User Role defining different access levels , user may need to select the corresponding User access to control user's authorisation.  

User Role for Subscriber User must be full access with no denied selections.

4.New Password: This password should be a minimum of seven characters, which contains at least one letter, one number and one symbol.

5.Confirm New Password: User needs to re-enter the password to confirm the newly created password.


External User

External Users can only be set up by Q6 Administration staff upon user request. However, Users can modify each external user's User Role by double clicking the user name to control their access levels.






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