Navigation: Transactions > Purchases >

Supplier Details






Supplier is a party that supplies goods or services.



Fields explained in Supplier Details


1.The table will be sort on alphabetic order of Supplier Name, then Last Name.

2.Search: A user will be able to find specific supplier by typing in any related letter in the Search field, whether it’s a letter in Supplier Name or First Name, or Last.

3.Add Supplier: A user may add a new supplier by clicking this button.

4.Action: There are three options under Action button, which are Edit Supplier, Delete Supplier, and Show Inactive Supplier.


a.Edit Supplier: Once the user has selected a supplier from the list, they can edit this supplier’s details by clicking this button.

b.Delete Supplier: User can only delete suppliers without transactions related. Otherwise, a reminder of “This Supplier has involved in some transactions you cannot delete it!” will pop up.

c.Show Inactive Supplier: After the user clicks this button, all inactive suppliers will be added to the list.

d.Import Supplier:

e.Export Supplier:

5.Exit: By clicking Exit, the screen will return back to Dashboard.




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