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Payroll Details





If the Super fund and Deduction under Payroll Details in Employee are different from related Super Pay Item in Payroll Template, reminder of “your payroll details selected Super fund is different to your payroll template’s super fund!” will pop up.


1.Start Date: This is the start date of employment. DD/MM/YYYY

2.Termination Date: This is the date employment contract terminated. DD/MM/YYYY

3.Employee Classification: This field is to help user to classify employee into different category, which is connected with Pay Run.

4.Employment Type: There are four options under the dropdown arrow, which are Full Time, Part Time, Casual, Others.

5.Pay Rate Method: Two options are available in Pay Rate Method.


          If user has selected hourly option, then the Annual Salary is un-editable and will be auto calculated based on Hourly rate * Hours in weekly pay period * 52 weeks. Any changes in Hourly Rate and Hours in weekly pay period will result in Annual Salary changes.


          Once Salary has been selected from the list, then the following Annual Salary will be activated for manual input. And Hourly Rate will be in-editable and calculated automatically based on annual salary / (52 weeks * Hours in Weekly Pay Period)

6.Annual salary: if user selected Salary as Pay Rate Method, then this field is editable. Otherwise, not editable.

7.Hourly Rate: if user selected Hourly as Pay Rate Method, then this field is editable. Otherwise, not editable.

8.Pay Period: This is the pay frequency for this employee, which is normally on the following three selection of Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly.

9.Hours in weekly pay period: This is the total hour employee works weekly or fortnightly or monthly depends on the Pay Period selection. 

10.Employee Group: Use can set up employee group to conduct Pay Run by different group.

11.However, if the employee has different Pay Period comparing with Pay Period in employee group, a reminder of “Employee’s pay period must be the same to Employee Group’s Pay Period!” will pop up, and the employee record will not be able to be saved.

12.TFN is Tax File Number which should be supplied by employee after registered with ATO. The standard TFN format was comprised from 9 digit numbers. If user has entered wrong format, such as more or less than 9 numbers, Q6 will not allow to save with warning of “Please input Correct TFN !”

13.Tax Table: There are 28 options of tax table. User needs to choose the correct one for each employee.

14.Withholding Variation Rate: this is the variety rate needed to be withhold by employer as per agreement. The field will be activated after Withholding Variation selected in Tax Table.

15.Super: For the purpose of complying with Super Stream requirements, there is one Super Fund record allowed to be saved in Q6 for each employee.

16.Super Fund: This field requires the name of Super Fund. It’s a mandatory field.

17.Membership: This is the membership from Super Fund provider.

18.Employee Membership No: This is the membership number from Super Fund. It’s a mandatory field.

19.Bank Accounts: Each click on the “+” icon beside Bank Account will add one line for additional bank account details with maximum three records for one profile. User can arrange certain percentage of total salary to be paid into different account as per request from employee. 

20.Pay Into This Account:  there are two options under this field, Percent and Dollar.

a.If Percent has been selected, system will verify that the total payment percentage will not be less or more than 100%. Otherwise, a reminder of “Total Percentage of required amount to be paid into employee’s bank account should not be less or more than 100%.”

b.If there are multiple account added, then the following account will display the remaining amount or percentage for payment, which the total percentage or amount should not exceed 100%. Otherwise reminder of “Total Amount of your bank accounts should be 100%”will display.

c.If percentage has been selected under Pay Into This Account column, system will verify that total percentage will be exactly 100%. If the total percentage in the previous two bank accounts is already 100%, then the third account should be deleted accordingly. Otherwise, here is the reminder “Total Amount of your bank accounts should be 100%Please delete your last bank account!”

d.If user has selected the payment method in combination of percentage and dollars, system will verify that the total amount won’t be more than the actual payment amount. Otherwise, reminder of “Total Amount of your bank accounts should be 100%” will display. The record won’t be saved until error fixed.






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