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Inventory Transactions





The transaction list related with all Inventory Items.


Fields explained in Inventory Transactions

Table Fields Description


1.Search function was based on the date range assigned by user. Default Date To is today’s date, and default Date From is 30 days before today’s date. User can modify the search date range manually.

2.User can search all transaction on one single inventory by selecting from the All Inventory list.

3.Date is the transaction date for inventoried item.

4.Reference No: This is the reference number assigned to each transaction while generating.

5.Inventory Name is the name of each inventory item which was set at Create Inventory.

6.Memo: This is the memo note saved in each transaction for reference.

7.Quantity is the quantity increased or deducted of this Inventory item in each Transaction.

8.Amount is the total amount (Exclude Tax) in each transaction.


Function List


9.All Inventory Transactions: This would display all inventory related transaction.

10.Purchases Transactions: Inventory transaction generated from Purchase Transaction.

11.Sales Transactions: Inventory transaction generated from Sales Transaction.

12.Adjust Inventory: Inventory transaction generated from Adjust Inventory Transaction.

13.Build Inventory: Inventory transaction generated from Build Inventory Transaction.

14.New Adjust Inventory: User may create New Adjust Inventory by clicking this button.

15.New Build Inventory: User may create New Build Inventory by clicking this button.

16.Actions: There are four options available under Actions, which are Edit Adjust Inventory, Edit Build Inventory, Delete Adjust Inventory, and Delete Build Inventory. It would be amended according the transaction type which User has selected from Inventory Transaction List. However, Actions would be de-activated if user has selected Purchase or Sales transaction.


a.Edit Adjust Inventory: User may edit Inventory Adjustment from this function or double click the adjustment transaction.

b.Edit Build Inventory: User may edit Build Inventory transaction from this function or double click the Build transaction.

c.Delete Adjust Inventory: User may delete Adjust Inventory transaction from this function if there is enough quantity on hand.

d.Delete Build Inventory: User may delete Build Inventory transaction from this function if there is enough quantity on hand.

17.Exit: This will lead user back to Dashboard.




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