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Q6 has the best complete inventory functions comparing with other cloud accounting software. It can keep track of value and quantity on hand in real time, and improve stock control. Inventory in Q6 is a list of properties that is held for purchase and sales in the normal course of business.

There are two subtitles under Inventory Module which are Inventory Transactions and Inventory List.

Inventory Transactions have involved all inventory related transactions, such as purchase, sales, build inventory and inventory adjustment, where user can easily locate and review the previous transaction if needed.

Inventory List has included all the bought, sold and inventoried items, where user can create new inventory items, batch import Inventory List and set inventory opening balance.


Followings are the functions available in Q6 Inventory:

ØInventory Transactions

ØInventory List

ØCreate Inventory

ØBuild Inventory

ØInventory Adjustment

ØCategory List






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