Steps on how to create new supplier
Before creating any quote or a purchase order, you may need to set up supplier details. There are two ways to create a new supplier, one way is to create it through the supplier list, and the other way is to create a new supplier while you are creating a new purchase quote, order or a bill.
Option 1: Manual inputting through Purchase > Supplier List > Add New. This is better for batch inputting.
1.Go to Transaction > Supplier Details.
2.Click the New Supplier.
3.Enter information into required fields.
Option 2: Inputting while creating a new Quote or Purchase Order or Bill.
1.Under creating new Quote or Order or Bill page, click the , which will open the following screen.
2.Click Add New to add new supplier.
3.Enter information into required fields.
4.Save. Then the supplier will be added to the field