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Transfer Money





Transfer Money in Q6 is used to transfer between company’s own Bank Accounts.

Steps on how to Transfer Money

1.Go through Transactions > Banking > Bank Transactions;

2.Click Manage Account and select Transfer Money;

3.Fill the information;



Fields explained in Transfer Money



1.Ref No.: This is a unique number generated by Q6, which is a read only field.

2.Date: It’s today’s date by default. A user may modify it manually if necessary.

3.Transfer Money from & Transfer Money To: only Bank Accounts would be available for selection for Transfer Money, which both of the fields are mandatory with a warning reminder of “Your Transfer From Account and Transfer To Account must both be selected!”

          Debit                    Transfer to Account

          Credit                    Transfer from account

4.Amount: None zero positive number is acceptable in this field. Otherwise, a reminder of “The Amount of this transfer should be greater than zero!” will pop up. 

5.After save, Transfer Money would be included under Disbursements TAB in General Ledger.

6.Memo: User may input key words for reference on the current transfer.




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