Navigation: Transactions > Banking > Bank Transactions > Reconcile Account > Import & Match Statement >

Bank Rules





Steps on how to Import and Match Statement


1.          Go through Transactions > Banking > Bank Transactions;

2.Click Manage A-+3ccount > Reconcile Account; 

3.Then select Action > Import & Match Statement;

4.Click Manage Bank Rules from Action

5.          User may create or delete Bank Rules under Manage Bank Rules.


Fields explained in Manage Bank Rules


1.New Rule: A user may create new a Bank Rule to

2.Actions: A user may Edit or Delete Rule through Actions


a.Edit Rule: A user can edit Bank Rules as needed.

b.Delete Rule: A user can delete Bank Rules as needed.

3.Close: By clicking Close, the page will return back to the previous page.

5.Exit: A user would be led back to Dashboard after clicking Exit.



Fields explained in Creating New Rule


1.Rule Name: A user needs to assign a unique name for each Bank Rule.

2.Rule Type: Selection of Spend Money or Receive Money is available.

3.Contact: User must select a contact from the drop-down list.

4.Match Condition: if the description has contained or exactly matched the keyword against the rule condition, then the system will auto match the transaction.

5.Allocate By: User may choose from percentage or amount

6.Save: Save the rules for next reconciliation matching process.

7.Exit: Back to the Dashboard.




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