Navigation: Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Build Inventory >

Fields in Build Inventory






1.Ref. No: This is an automated number created by the system for each built inventory transaction.

2.Date: This is the date to create Build Inventory

3.Memo: This is where to indicate the transaction characteristics in Inventory Transaction List.

4.Build Inventory: This is the inventory going to be built.

5.Inventory Name: User can select or add new inventory to be built on.

a.Quantity: Here’s the quantity going to be built.

b.Unit Cost: this field will need to be entered manually to be balanced with the value below.

c.Amount: Here’s the value of build inventory which should be balanced with the value below.

6.Inventories required to inventory:

a.Inventory Name: User can select or add new inventory to be the component inventory as long as there are enough quantity to be deducted from.

b.Quantity: Here’s the quantity going to be deducted.

c.Unit Cost: This field will load the average cost of selected inventory.

d.Amount: Here’s the total value of component inventory which should be balanced with the value above.

7.Out of Balance: The Build Inventory transaction won’t be saved if the Out of Balance is not 0 balanced.

8.Inventory list: only the item which has been ticked Inventory Check-box will appear on the Item list for build item action.

9.Transaction: after new item has been built, there should be an account movement showing in Transaction Journal > Inventory tab.




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