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How to set up Single Touch Payroll





How to set up Single Touch Payroll


Step 1 Setting up Connection with ATO


After updating with ATO's DPO settings for Single Touch Payroll,  Q6 users do not need to  ring the ATO to get a connection set up with Q6. In order to complete their first Single Touch Payroll users need to follow the steps below.


Step 2 Setting up within Q6

1.Ensure the Company ABN in Company Information is correct.

2.Complete Payroll Admin Details.

3.Pay Item Settings are required to be set up  as STP ready within Q6, any pay item needs to be included in the STP report to ATO should be selected under ATO STP Reporting Category.

4.Employee TFN checking is to ensure each employee encrypt with correct Tax File Number (TFN)as it is the identity for ATO. ATO requires each employee must match with one TFN, for details TFN checks to please check  Employee TFN Settings

5.Then 80% settings in Q6 have done.  User need to go through route Settings > Single Touch Payroll > Check Payroll Details. If any of the above settings are not correct, once a user has clicked Check Payroll Details, Q6 system will auto check all the relevant requirements, and list down unqualified settings for user to action further. Once the list is amended, and all the errors are cleared, the user may continue on Batch Payrun and send to ATO through STP.







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